Formed by bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc. …. that for various causes can cause acute, subacute or chronic pain. It is very important to ensure the state of the injury to correctly focus the most appropriate technique.
Allows us to see the evolution of the lesion we are treating.
They are mechanical, audible and non-invasive stimuli that accelerate the healing process of the organism, increasing the metabolism of the area, the local blood circulation and produce an analgesic effect that will allow an improvement of joint mobility.
It is indicated in pathologies of the musculoskeletal system such as tendinosis, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis with or without calcification, bursitis, trochanteritis, muscle contractures, trigger points and cellulitis.
It is a high frequency energy, non-invasive that acts in depth, which accelerates the healing of the tissues and calms the muscular and joint pains releasing the movement.
Thus, it allows a quick recovery and is also very pleasant.
An intensive, revolutionary and highly effective method that has been created by Drs. Godoy & Godoy in Brazil and that has several scientific publications, books and research at the international level; In addition, these Drs. give specialization courses to physiotherapists who are dedicated to the lympho-venous area in various parts of the world.
They are a series of techniques that the physiotherapist performs in order to reduce pain, improve function and normal movement of the spine and extremities, and thus reach the maximum recovery of the patient.
To carry out these techniques, in LIMFOCLINIC, the physiotherapist relies on massage, stretching and joint techniques that he knows to treat soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascias, joint capsules, etc … that are affected by contractures, inflammations, elongations, etc …